Your favourite OGK cut

Vlad the Inhaler

Active member
Hi all.
OGK is a pretty interesting cut for medical support.
It is quite potent and great for mood boosting, but isn't overly intrusive. It doesn't really freak people out.
It offers a lot for people dealing with explosive outbursts and mood disorders. It is valuable for people dealing with dementia as some tend to get a bit pushy as their condition progresses.
I don't smoke it much, because I prefer more cerebral stimulation, but my sons smash chemogs daily.

Can people put up a bit on their favourite OG OG/chem and a bit about it's effects
Thank you everyone

( please no marketing and seed deals, Oily.)
I just got an email from green point seed asking me to shout them out on social media.
As Mr nice doesn't work chemOGs, I hope it's not poor form to mention them.
They have an F2 called Ghost Town.

Anyone listen to the Specials?